
Saturday, August 13, 2016

#Made4Math - #MTBoSblaugust 2016

I spent most of my summer taking two grade classes to earn a PDE endorsement in Online Learning.  However, during the time that I had free, I found time to work on my courses for this coming school year.

First, to help with student self reflection, I created this document.  The document will be used at the end of each station in my hybrid classroom.  Students will also reflect on the work that they do outside of class.  I want students to track the resources they used when stuck as well as reflect on how well they understood the assignment.  I will be using this tool as a replacement for grading classwork and homework for completion.  I will spot check student work occasionally, but for the most part it will be largely self reported.  This assignment will be worth 5% of students' overall grade.

I also reevaluated how I would weight grades for  my class.  85% of the grade will be standards based.  These grades will come from performance on weekly cumulative quizzes.  I already mentioned the 5% graded on completion and self reporting.  The final 10% will be for performance tasks.  These will be assignments completed in class that I grade for accuracy.  Most of the time these will be projects, but it could include smaller assignments as well.  I edited my syllabus and other first day documents to reflect these changes.

Next, I created a handful of fun practice activities to do with my students as alternatives to worksheets.  I already blogged about those here:

Practice structures: chains
Practice structures: tarsia puzzles
Practice structures: board games
Practice structures: my ship sails
Practice structures: error analysis
Practice structures: color by number
Practice structures: old maid

Finally, I made a bunch of Desmos activities.  I saw the tweets about #descon16 and decided to try my hand at it.  These are my first attempts and I hope to edit them as well as create more as the year goes on.  You can find the activities that I created by searching the Desmos Bank for my name under the author.


  1. I love stations but never thought about having them debrief like this! Thank you for sharing your form!

    1. Sure thing. The biggest issue I have with stations is that kids have trouble self regulating while I am working with another group. I wanted them to reflect on now only how well they understood the assignment, but also the resources they used when they were stuck.
