
Monday, August 7, 2017

Sunday Funday: First Day Plans

This is week two of the Sunday Funday blogging initiative.  It's never too late to join in!  You can read more about the challenge here if you like.

Last week, we wrote about our goals for the year.  I touched on my first day plans at that time, but here is a bit more info.

I mentioned in the last Sunday Funday post that I wanted to begin incorporating HyperDocs as a way for students to be engaged in independent work while pull daily small groups.  Here is the HyperDoc that I'll use on the first day of school for my students to get to know me and each other.

I got the idea for the Meet me by Slides activity from one of Alice Keeler's books.  I read all three this summer, back-to-back.  So I'm having trouble recall which book it was.

They were all good by the way. Even though I don't intend on using Google Classroom and will only have student access to iPads for the most part, I was still able to get a ton of ideas from these three books.

Here is what the first two slides of my Meet me by Slides assignment look like.

I'd also like to try having students record themselves saying their name and embedding the audio file into their slide.  I'm a little nervous about having 30 hot mics giving tons of feedback, but it would be nice to have pictures and correct pronunciations for me to practice from :)

In addition to the interactive slides assignment, I also plan on having kids do a bit of review on Delta Math and create accounts for it as well as Schoology.  We have approximately 30 minute periods on the first day of school, so this lesson is pretty short.  That said, should there be any extra time, my students and I will enjoy a quick game of Greedy Pig.

I hope that you all join in with Sunday Funday soon!  Enjoy!

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