
Sunday, June 11, 2017

#Teach180: Days 171-181

This year I've taken on the #teach180 challenge.  The challenge is to post one tweet per day showing a glimpse inside your classroom.  I'm also putting the tweets together in a biweekly blog so that I can share the resources that I'm tweeting about.

Day 171:  Today we had our second to last weekly cumulative quiz!

Day 172:  Today in geometry we used Khan Academy to review using inscribed angles.

Day 173:  Today in algebra 2 we practiced using conditional and biconditional statements with this board game assignment.  It was also the last day of class for seniors (I have 2-4, depending on which ones end up graduating) so it was a hectic day.  One more week of classes for underclassmen.

Day 174:  Today in geometry we reviewed the relationships between congruent chords and arcs within circles using this ExploreLearning Gizmo.

Day 175:  Today in algebra 2 we practiced determining whether or not 2 statements are logically equivalent using this worksheet.

Day 176:  Today was our last weekly quiz :)

Day 177:  Today was our last day of classes.  I collected books and returned old quizzes.  Students cleaned out their lockers and continued reviewing for final exams.  I also had some fun puzzles available for those kids that were feeling burned out.  One hopeful senior spent a full seven hours in my room today (and two hours yesterday). She had a rough year and made some bad choices but she earned a passing grade today and will walk with her classmates next week.  I'm not sure whether she learned not to procrastinate or that people will extend deadlines and go above and beyond to help you if you make poor decisions.  I hope for the former.

Day 178:  Today my algebra 2 students took their final exams.  They also took English exams.  While I was not grading or proctoring test, I was packing up my room for summer cleaning.  I also started meeting with teams to discuss and plan for next year.

Day 179:  Today my geometry students took their final exams.  They also took their history exams.  In between tests, when I needed a break from grading, I moved my teacher desk and filing cabinet.  After the last exam tomorrow, I'll start setting up my student desks (trial and error) to see how I might set things up for next year.

Day 180:  Today I proctored exams for science and continued to grade my students algebra and geometry finals.  I also played with various furniture arrangements to assist in my plan to incorporate hyperdocs as we go 1-1 next year.

Day 181:  Today is our official last day of school.  I worked on packing and un-decorating my room as well as finalizing grades for the year.  I also had some time to start brain storming for the summer PD sessions I'll be facilitating on digital assessment.

What a ride this year has been.  At the start if the year I thought I'd never remember to tweet a picture from my class each day.  But I managed just fine.  I think the biggest benefit was that I've been pushed to create better lessons this year.  If for no other reason that I knew I needed to do something tweet worthy each day.  I'll definitely be doing #teach180 again next year.  I hope you'll join me :) 

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