
Sunday, March 12, 2017

#Teach180 Post: Days 111-120

This year I've taken on the #teach180 challenge.  The challenge is to post one tweet per day showing a glimpse inside your classroom.  I'm also putting the tweets together in a biweekly blog so that I can share the resources that I'm tweeting about.

Day 111:  Today was another one of our weekly quizzes.
Day 112:  Today my geometry students finished up their transformations project using +OZOBOTs.  The kids cheered as the bots successfully completed their courses :)

Day 113:  Today my algebra 2 classes used ExploreLearning's Gizmo to practice graphing and writing equations of circles.

Day 114:  Today in geometry, we started Barbie Zipline to practice using angles of elevation.  I added in terminal velocity this year to make it a little more STEMy.  Here is the link to last years write-up if you want the student documents.
Day 115:  Today in algebra 2 we wrapped up our Ozobot graphing project.  Most kids get really excited to see their Ozobot successfully navigate their course.

Day 116:  Today we had  our weekly cumulative quizzes.  Decided to come home at 4pm even though I only had half of the quizzes graded.  I'm happy to be home now, but I'll regret not staying later when tomorrow rolls around :)

Day 117:  Today in algebra 2 we practiced writing and graphing equations for hyperbolas using ExploreLearning's Gizmo.

Day 118:  Today we continued with barbie bungee in the geometry classes.  We completed our trial runs and prepared to predict the perfect angle of elevation for our final runs.  Tomorrow we go either to the atrium or the stadium to do our final runs.  The students already made their calculations for both cases.  The choice depends on the weather.  Usually the high tempt is about 50 degrees here this time of year, but we've had some very warm weather lately.  Time will tell.

Day 119:  Today we did our final for barbie zipline in geometry.

Day 120:  Today in algebra 2 we practiced identifying the type of conic from its equation using @desmos.

That's it for this round of #teach180.  It's never too late to join in the fun!

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