
Saturday, October 31, 2015

Linear Inequality TIC-TAC-TOE and Domain and Range Go Fish

Here are two more activities that I have tried in class recently.

Linear Inequality TIC-TAC-TOE:

I borrowed this activity from @MathBerts and adjusted the directions to make it work in my classroom.  Since I teach in a hybrid/station based classroom, students need to be able to complete their assignments without a teacher leading the activity.  Most of my students enjoyed the activity.  I had just one problem in that I had small groups of kids all using the same game board.  I would recommend possibly copying each board on a different color of paper to alleviate this issue.

Domain and Range Go Fish:

This activity is a real winner.  The kids LOVED it.  I can't explain it, but every time we play go fish, they go nuts (in a good, on task, highly engaged sort of way).  Shockingly, the first time we play Go Fish, I have to do a mini-lesson on how to play.  Kids can be so deprived these days :(  This activity really helped my kids to solidify their understanding of interval notation.


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