
Thursday, June 25, 2015

Communicating about SBG with Stakeholders

One of the most difficult parts of implementing SBG is communicating with stakeholders.  This was especially true for me because I chose to use SBG on my own.  One of my co-workers worked with me, but every other teacher in our building used traditional grading.  My coworker and I worked together sometimes, but we also had the freedom to do what we felt was best for our kids. 
To educated my students' parent and my administrators, I started by doing research about other schools.  I found this FAQ document from Excelsior Springs and borrowed very heavily.  
I shared my objectives lists, my own FAQ sheet, my rubrics, my plan for weighting various portions of my students grades, and my plan for teaching, assessing  & remediating with my administrators.  They all thought is was awesome and agreed to back me up if I had parent complaints.  Luckily, I had none.  In retrospect, I guess it is hard to argue with basing a student's grade on what they can do.

About a week before classes started I emailed all of my parents a welcome letter.  I explained that I would be emailing every few days for the first week or so with important information about my class because I did not want to overwhelm them with one gigantic email.  I sent them the FAQs  and the rubrics.  I also sent them info on hybrid learning, tutoring, online resources, how to sign up for access to the gradebook and everything else you could imagine.

I followed up with a paper copy of a gradesheet and how the grade was being calculated after the first quiz.  I sent this info home every week for the entire year.  I also showed a sample gradesheet and discussed the rubric during parent's night.  I also explained SBG one-on-one at parent conferences.   If they still had questions I tried to answer them via phone when possible.
I have attached my FAQ and rubric.  The rubric came from exemplars 

Happy reading :)

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